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Hawaii Private Detective
Examination Test
Study Material
Applicants shall have had experience reasonably equivalent
to at least 4 years of full-time investigational or guard work.
The Board may accept the following types of experience:
1. For persons applying to be private detectives, employment:
a) Under the supervision of a licensed private detective;
b) As a police officer with a police department
of a state or political subdivision thereof;
c) As an investigator with any federal, state,
county, or municipal government agency;
or d) As an investigator by an attorney-at-law or law firm.
(Note: no credit is given for any education degree)
License is renewed every 2 years, by June 30 on even-numbered years
License test secret #1:
Understand that you must know the data needed to pass
every one of several different 80-question tests
as to be able to pass whichever is assigned to you.
We are thePIgroup!
4000 members nationwide.
Only we have our complete
NEW material for the
2024 Hawaii Private Detective
license examination!
Call 818-883-6969 for
more information.
State PI license testing details, Hawaii-
--90 minutes allowed to complete test
--80 questions on test
--all multiple-choice answers
--testing offered once every month, Oahu only
--60 questions correct (75%) required to pass
--testing is done with paper and pencil
--results mailed within 5 days of completing the exam,
results arrive 1 to 2 weeks after testing
--NOTE: can also be used for the Hawaii security
company license test, as much is the same plus
we include a section specifiocally for security
2024 Examination Dates
(after Board approval)
Neighbor island administration no longer available.
Exams administered on Oahu only.
Results will be mailed approximately within 5 working days after the exam.
--Testing areas can include
general rules and regulations
(state laws) for the State of Hawaii,
surveillance, interview and interrogation,
principles of investigations,
informants-- public and private,
computer investigations, employees,
investigation management, interview
techniques, legal rules about evidence,
evidence collection, latent fingerprints,
photography, advertising, types of
investigations, scenarios, privacy,
investigative reports, badges, equipment,
evidence handling, and more . . .
TIP: Be prepared for some scenario questions
that are testing your vocabulary knowledge.
818 883-6969
Call us for a few FREE sample questions!
We are NOT a time-wasting seminar!
We are NOT a useless online prep! 
We are NOT a cheap powerpoint pdf download!
We have real PAPER study material with years of success!
Updated for 2024!
Chapter §463, Hawaii Revised Statutes:
Private detectives, guards, and agencies; license required.
No person shall engage in the business of private detective or guard,
represent oneself to be, hold oneself out as,
list oneself or
advertise as a private detective or guard
or as furnishing
detective investigating services or guard services
without first obtaining a license as a private detective or guard
from the Board of Detectives and Guards upon payment
of application,
examination and license fees.
No firm, corporation, partnership, or association shall engage in the
business of private detective or guard, represent itself to be, hold itself out as,
list itself or advertise as a private detective or guard agency or bureau or
as furnishing detective, investigating or guard services without first
obtaining a license as a private detective or guard agency
from the Board upon payment of application and license fees.
Corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, LLC's and LLP's
are required to apply for a detective agency or
guard agency license on a separate application.
(See Board's form PDG-03).
License test secret #2:
Most test-takers do the worst on
These are the ones that many test-takers do bad on!

Records - Employees - Legal Requirements
Studying helps prepare you for this type-- and much more!
Call (818) 883-6969 for more information

These additional options are often available-- ask for details:

or, use your own shipping account.

Most applicants DO NOT PASS the
Hawaii private detective license examination.
Reviewing some old HI PD Board meeting minutes, we see
NOBODY passed the exam-- only fails!
And on a prior HI PI Board meeting minutes, we see that
Hawaii Private Detective Examination in a recent half year period . . .
(It appears that only about 5 applicants pass per year!)
One two recent past testings: 2 passed, 2 failed.
>>> Only the applicants who used our material those time passed! <<<
Testing secret #3
Watch out for these types of answer choices:

Sometimes more than one answer choice
will look the same-- but there will be
a small
difference if you look close!
Studying helps you prepare you
for this type-- and much more!

Need a Hawaii private detective license application?

If you want to download a HI PD license
application, paste this into your browser:
YES, it says 2013 in that link but it is correct for this year
(but beware: there are 'tricks' and 'traps' to the application process;
call us for assistance before you make the common application mistakes!)
Testing secret #4:
Many test-takers have a tough time
with this type of answer choices:
'Choose the BEST answer'.

You might find questions where more
than one of the answer choices is correct.
But one choice is a little better than the others.
Studying helps you prepare you for this type-- and much more!
We obtained all exact reference material used
and endorsed by the State of Hawaii.
Partly because of that, our developed HI private
detective exam preparation material is THE SOURCE!
What if you had to choose an answer choice that was worded like
"Usually #2 and #4, but never #3" ?
Now includes many more
Federal law pages!

Our copyrighted and detailed
Hawaii Private Detective Study
Material & Business Help
2024 'HI Private Detective Package'
(numbered below for easy discussion if you call us!)
1. --full general Hawaii Private Detective licensing information--

2. --More than 125
Hawaii Private Detective
questions with verified correct answers--<<<most important
(these are NOT generic nationwide PI questions-- these are specifically for Hawaii Private Detectives ONLY)

3. Full printed statutes/law/code text (not a reduced summary version!)
of Chapter xxx 'xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx',
all sections, 38 pages

4. Full printed statutes/law/code text (not a reduced summary version!)
of Chapter xxx 'xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxx',
all sections, 35 pages

5. Full printed statutes/law/code text (not a reduced summary version!)
of Chapter xxx 'xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx',
all sections, 10 pages

6. Full printed statutes/law/code text (not a reduced summary version!)
of 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxx xx, xxxxxxx xx',
all sections, 30 pages

7. Full printed statutes/law/code text (not a reduced summary version!)
of Chapter xxxx 'xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx',
all sections, 40 pages

8. Questions, with answers,
culled from two other non-government sources, not available locally,
by the State of Hawaii Board of Private Detectives!
--and more!--
Many who complain about failing licensing tests say there were 'answers open to opinion'!
We agree-- tests should use questions of definite answers, never opinions.
What if your experience gives you a different opinion on a
question than the test writer has? YOU get it wrong then!
Studying will give you a 'heads up' on this type of question too.
Included in this is a section
many forms frequently
needed by
Hawaii private detectives!
Contact us for information about our detailed
Hawaii Private Detective licensing, business, and test preparation packages.
Updated for 2023!
Seminars, or studying on-line, is an ineffective waste of time.
Reading our printed paper 2024
Hawaii Private Detective study materials with photos, over and over,
studying around your daily duties, or sitting in your car, or even while resting in bed,
is FAR more effective then trying to study on-line or at a 'seminar'.
Do one final review while parked outside the test center for your test appointment!

Also available is our on-line training and simulated practice license test question
computer sessions
for the Hawaii Private Detective license examination test,
a simulator to a computer-testing environment and the time limitations to answer.
See for more information about on-line training.

Now includes a 17-page
'Sexual Harassment In The Workplace' section!
This can be a source
of lawsuits against
licensed Hawaii Private Detectives and their clients . . .
Including datasheets of:
--What is Sexual Harassment?
--Examples of Sexual Harassment
--When is the Employer liable for Sexual Harassment?
--Methods to reduce or prevent Sexual Harassment
--What is 'Quid Pro Quo' Sexual Harassment?
--What is 'Hostile Workplace Sexual Harassment'?
--Federal government-issued information about sexual harassment
---and more!
New section!
An Interview and Interrogation section is now included.
(yes, there are questions about this on the Hawaii Private Detective licensing examination!)
From a 30-year teacher of private investigation:
WORST possible study methods:
1) seminars, and 2) studying with multiple-choice questions
(low retention percentage, too many words per actual needed knowledge)
BEST possible study method:
reading Question/Answer, Question/Answer, Question/Answer, . . .
(direct to memory, higher word priority)
Hawaii private detective law:
Private detectives and detective agencies; qualifications for license.
(a) The board may grant a private detective license to any suitable individual,
or a detective agency license to any suitable firm making written application therefor.
The applicant, if an individual, or the principal detective of a firm shall:
Be not less than eighteen years of age;
Have had a high school education or its equivalent;
Have had experience reasonably equivalent to at least four years of full-time investigational work,
and only four types of experience qualify for this:
a. under the supervisoion of a licensed private detective
b. as a police officer with a police department of a state or political subdivision thereof
c: as an investigator with any federal, state, county, or municipal government agency
d: as an investigator by an attorney-at-law or law firm
Note: There is no credit given for an education degree.
Not be presently suffering from any psychiatric or psychological disorder which is
directly related and detrimental to a person's performance in the profession;
Not have been convicted in any jurisdiction of a crime which reflects unfavorably on the fitness
of the applicant to engage in the profession, unless the conviction has been annulled or expunged by court order; and
Possess a history of honesty, truthfulness, financial integrity, and fair dealing.
A firm applying for a detective agency license shall have in its employ an individual
who is licensed as a private detective and who shall be designated as the principal
detective for the firm, and shall provide a bond as required under section 463-12.
Got 10 minutes? Call 818-883-6969 for the most
valuable PI phone conversation you will ever have!

These additional options are often available-- ask for details:

or, use your own shipping account.