Ohio Security Services Provider
Guard Company
Class C License Examination Test
Become the Qualifying Agent!
We are thePIgroup!
4000 members nationwide.
Only we have this complete NEW
material for the
Ohio Security Services Guard
Company license testing!

Call 818-883-6969 for more information.
State Security Guard Company license testing details, Ohio-
55 questions
and True/False
80% required correct
Given twice per month, every other Wednesday morning,
9:30am, at 1970 W. Broad, Columbus Ohio
(but you need an appointment)
Same exact test for license types A, B and C
Same exact test for
Security or Private Investigator applicants
Testing done on computer
Call (818) 883-6969 for more information

A: Private Investigator and Security Guard Company
B: Private Investigator
C: Security Guard Company
* Class A Providers are licensed to provide private investigator
and/or security guard services in the state of Ohio.
* Class B Providers are licensed to provide
private investigator services in the state of Ohio.
* Class C Providers are licensed to provide
security guard services in the state of Ohio.
License test secret #1:
Understand that you must know the data needed to pass
every one of several different 75-question tests
as to be able to pass whichever is assigned to you.

These additional options are often available-- ask for details:

or, use your own shipping account.
License test secret #2:
Most test-takers do the worst on
These are the ones that many test-takers do bad on!

Records - Employees - Legal Requirements
Studying helps prepare you for this type-- and much more!
Need an Ohio security services guard company license application?

If you want to download a OH PI license application, paste this into your browser:
(but beware: there are 'tricks' and 'traps' to the application process;
call us for assistance before you make the common application mistakes!)
Testing secret #3
Watch out for these types of answer choices:

Sometimes more than one answer choice
will look the same-- but there will be
a small
difference if you look close!
Studying helps you prepare you for this type-- and much more!
QUESTION: Who needs a Security Services License in Ohio?
ANSWER: The "business of security services" is defined in Section 4749.01 (D) of the R.C. and means either of the following:
(1) Furnishing, for hire, watchpersons, guards, private patrol officers, or other persons whose primary duties are to protect persons or property;
(2) Furnishing, for hire, guard dogs, or armored motor vehicle security services, in connection with the protection of persons or property.
The exceptions to licensure for private investigators and security services providers are listed in Section 4749.01 (H).
QUESTION: What are the requirements for licensure as a Security Services Provider in Ohio?
ANSWER: Licensing requirements
are found in Section 4749.03 of the R.C.
Any individual, partnership or corporation may be licensed to
conduct the business
of private investigation or security services,
or both,
if the applicant meets the following requirements:
a. Has a good reputation for integrity, has not been convicted of a felony
within the last three years or any offense involving moral turpitude,
and has not been adjudicated incompetent for the purpose of holding the license,
as provided in 5122.30.1 of the R.C., without having
been restored to legal capacity for that purpose.
b. Depending upon the class of license for which application is made,
for a continuous period of at least two years immediately preceding application for a license,
has been engaged in investigatory or security services work for a law enforcement
or other public agency engaged in investigatory activities, or for a private investigator
or security guard provider, or engaged in the practice of law, or has acquired
equivalent experience as determined by rule of the director of public safety.
c. Demonstrates competency as a security guard provider by
passing an examination devised for this purpose by the director of public safety.
d. Submits evidence of comprehensive general liability insurance coverage, or
other equivalent guarantee approved by the director in such form and in
principal amounts satisfactory to the director,
but not less than one hundred thousand dollars for each person
and three hundred thousand dollars for each occurrence for bodily injury liability,
and one hundred thousand dollars for property damage liability.
e. Pays the requisite examination ($30 fee which is non-refundable)
and license fee ($375 which is refundable if a license is not issued).
f. Satisfactorily passes the criminal background check.
g. Provides character references from at least five reputable citizens,
each of whom has known the applicant, officer,
or qualifying agent for at least five years preceding the application,
and none of whom are connected with the applicant, officer,
or qualifying agent by blood or marriage.
BONUS: Pass with our material,
we can make you a simple webpage FREE!
(If you don't have a webpage, the public & businesses can't find you to hire you.)
Testing secret #4:
Many test-takers have a tough time
with this type of answer choices:
'Choose the BEST answer'.

You might find questions where more
than one of the answer choices is correct.
But one choice is a little better than the others.
Studying helps you prepare you for this type-- and much more!
You might also

consider this specialty
(There is no polygraph license in
Ohio and 24 other states!)
Ask us about this occupation!
Our copyrighted and detailed
Ohio Security Services Guard Company Study Material & Business Help
2023-2024 'OH Security Guard Company Qualifying Agent Package'
(numbered below for easy discussion if you call us!)
1. --full general Ohio Security Guard Company licensing information--

2. --More than 200 key licensing code questions with
verified correct answers, seperated
into nearly 40 Study Sections,
each quoted with full-text answers straight from the applicable code sections!
3. --30-pages of concealed-carry laws and rules--
4. --dozens of pages of related laws and rules for Ohio Security Services Guard Companies--
5. --and more!--
Contact us for information about our detailed
Ohio Security Services
Guard Company
licensing, business, and test preparation packages.

Or, some choose the $175 'Package B' instead!
Call for the contents of this more compact assistance-
smaller, but more than 3 pounds and about 350 pages;
includes more than 200 questions with verified-correct
answers based on the
Ohio laws and
rules for
private investigators and security services,
a hard copy of the License & Qualifying Agent User Guide,
a hard copy of the Private
Security Guard Laws and Rules,
a Sexual Harassment section,
an Interview & Interrogation section,
and more!

Seminars, or studying on-line, is an ineffective waste of time.
Reading our high-printed paper 2023-2024
Ohio Security Services Guard Company study materials with photos, over and over,
studying around your daily duties, or sitting in your car, or even while resting in bed,
is FAR more effective then trying to study on-line or at a 'seminar'.
Do one final review while parked outside the test center for your test appointment!

Also available is our on-line training and simulated practice license test question
computer sessions
for the Ohio Security Services Guard Company license examination test,
a simulator to a computer-testing environment and the time limitations to answer.
See www.thePIgroup.com/seminars.htm for more information about on-line training.
Now includes a 17-page
'Sexual Harassment In The Workplace' section!
This can be a source
of lawsuits against
licensed Ohio Security Guard Companies and their clients . . .
Including datasheets of:
--What is Sexual Harassment?
--Examples of Sexual Harassment
--When is the Employer liable for Sexual Harassment?
--Methods to reduce or prevent Sexual Harassment
--What is 'Quid Pro Quo' Sexual Harassment?
--What is 'Hostile Workplace Sexual Harassment'?
--Federal government-issued information about sexual harassment
---and more!
From a 35-year teacher of security and investigations:
WORST possible study methods:
1) seminars, and 2) studying with multiple-choice questions
(low retention percentage, too many words per actual needed knowledge)
BEST possible study method:
reading Question/Answer, Question/Answer, Question/Answer, . . .
(direct to memory, higher word priority)
We include copies of some public-domain state and/or
federal documents
other items,
provided as a courtesy and at no additional cost to you;
many have been improved from their original presentation into better for your use!
Page-counts, item-counts and shipping-weights are approximate but are very close.
All specifications subject to change with or without prior notice.
Ssend a simple money order;
we put long holds on orders paid by check.<<< don't miss this
Call 818-883-6969 NOW! 
If you have failed the test,
we have 'special help' for you.
If you haven't tested yet, can help with that too.
Call 818-883-6969 for more information!
Purchaser is licensed one copy of this material for purchaser's personal use.
All rights reserved. A purchase of this material is for our purchaser's sole use, and is only to
assist that sole purchaser in his/her own new OH security business and in the preparation of taking
own upcoming OH security licensing test. No portion of this material
may be reproduced,
copied, sold, resold, shared, sold after purchaser's use, exploited, stored in an
system, used for training of others, or transmitted in any form
or by any means,
electronic, reworded, modified,
mechanical, photocopy,
recording, or otherwise.
It is solely intended for and sold only to applicants for this professional license.
It is expressly NOT for use, tutoring, duplication, training, adaption, or any other use by
other publishers or writers, teachers or instructors, coaching or preparatory entities,
testing agencies and certification agencies, any group use, or any government agency.
All specifications subject to change without prior notice.
Back to the main page, click here: MAIN PAGE

1. Zelle,
2. Send a simple money order for the package
and shipping, and your package goes
out same-day
money order is received and processed,
3. Send a check, but
we put long holds on
orders paid by check.<<< don't miss this,
4. From 1990 through 2023, we took credit cards,
electronic payments, PayPal, Western Union, etc.
We're tired of the 'bad numbers', the delays,
the costs,
the 'bank mistakes', the excuses, 'its my wife's fault', and so on.
We make too little on these packages for such headaches.
unless we are to raise our prices, if you can't come in to
pick up
a package then there's only one way to send a shipment to you
if you need it faster then by sending payment by regular mail:
you simply overnight us a money order. It doesn't have to be a costly and
time-consuming one issued by a bank-- a grocery store
or post office or 7-11 money order is fine.
818 883-6969