California Certified Competent Conveyance
elevator mechanic certification CCCM

We have been helping you pass state licensing tests since 1991!

Only we have our complete NEW
study material package choices for

California Certified Competent Conveyance (Elevator) Mechanic!
Call 818-883-6969 for more information.

Come pick up your choice of package today, or request next-day delivery in much of California!

Sample elevator mechanic practice questions with verified correct answers, datasheets with graphics, plus A LOT more!


California Conveyance Elevator Mechanic Certification Examination
(known as a CCCM)
consultation, certification test information,
study material, sample questions,
and much more!

Fire Life Safety Technician  California competent conveyance elevator mechanic certification testing

Our packages for
our copyrighted 2023
California Certified Competent Conveyance Mechanic
Study Preparation Material and Business Help

study guide for CCCM California elevator mechanic certification

One section includes sample California Elevator Mechanic related questions
with verified correct answers, and datasheets with graphics, and much more!   
No need to waste the time & cost of attending a seminar:
you can easily learn these at home and pass NOW!

Failed the test? Don't give up: let us help!

Take a few minutes to read the secret details listed below

818 883-6969 California elevator mechanic certification exam Call us for a few FREE sample questions!

Click here to request a few
sample related questions,
IF you are planning to take the exam

(BE SURE to include your NAME, city,
what test you are taking, and PHONE NUMBER)
or just call 818-883-6969 instead!

Call 818-883-6969 for a VALUABLE 10-minute informative discussion!

You are required to have three years of conveyance-industry
work experience before you can apply for this certification test.

This is NOT the C-11 Elevator Contractor test administered by CSLB.

Testing is through the State of California
Department of Industrial Relations'
Elevator Unit
Certification Section


You must know much more than just 'elevators'.

Also expect topics involving 'escalators', 'dumbwaiters',
'wheelchair lifts', 'stairway lifts', 'sidewalk elevators', 'codes' and more.

Material written and compiled by a person who has been hired by the State
for the re-w
rite of another state test, thus learning some 'secrets'
behind writing their 'answer choices' and other test-question ideas
--also: author/compiler has taught California state testing
at private schools and universities since 1988,
and has easily passed multiple state licensing examinations himself!--

Additionally, author has a law degree and 3 years of law school,
allowing him to explain the legal portions to you more simply than others.

Many people have called our pages of datasheets with graphics
'like Giant Flashcards'!

This month: new study questions added!
We are thePIgroup!elevator mechanic certification in California 4000 members nationwide.

Only we have our NEW study material choices
for the 2023 California Elevator Mechanic certification testing!

Call 818-883-6969 for more information.

elevator mechanic test

These additional options are often available-- ask for details:

conveyance elevator mechanic exam     certification test for California elevator mechanicsconveyance mechanic exam California     Help to pass California elevator mechanic test   Study guide for the CA Conveyance Elevator Mechanic certification test


We have helped more than 4000 persons pass their state's licensing tests; more than 300 in the past year!

seminar for California conveyance elevator certification test We are NOT a boring seminar!   
We are NOT a boring online prep! elevator mechanic certification California

The certification test:

200 questions, on a Scantron

Multiple versions of the test

6 hours to complete

No list of recommended study is
published by the Elevator Unit


Covers various codes, laws,
and general industry knowledge


70% or more correct needed to pass

There is no published schedule of future test dates;
exams are scheduled as needed, when exams are needed
and enough applicants have sent in fees,
and based on Sr Engineer's (a good guy, by the way) availability.

Testing usually starts at 8 or 9am.
You generally have the business day to complete it.
Most finish in 4 or 5 hours.

--Many applicants fail the written exam.

Try again in 60 days

Multiple versions of the test (fail, and you might later be re-tested with a different test).
(You need to be prepared to pass all of the many versions of the test, not just one!)

Certification as a Certified Competent Conveyance Mechanic
is NOT a license to perform work for which a contractor’s license
is required by the California Business and Professions Code or any other agency.
In order to be considered for certification, a person must have at least
three (3) years work experience in construction, maintenance,
service or repair of conveyances,
and must meet additional qualifications.

elevator mechanic certification We hear the same thing, every week:
"The State didn't send me any study material".
- or -
"The stuff the State told me about was only good for a few questions".
- or -
"I have failed the test 3 times, and each time it was a different test".

Well, this is TRUE. And here's why-it-is-what-it-is.
The State is here to regulate you, NOT to educate you.

They do NOT help you with the majority of the test.
It is an 'experienced-based' examination.
The truth is: you do not know these things, causing most to fail.

Don't choke when you elevator mechanic exam in CA see the topics listed below!

Packages have some elevator mechanic study testquestion pages,
to stimulate your conveyance mechanic thinking;
and instead of giving you the answers, we instruct some research for you to do!

Not to be ignored-- you might be tested on these . . .

California repossession agency license test Now includes more 'KEY-FACTS KNOWLEDGE DATASHEETS' to increase your test score!private patrol operator practice tests

Testing, business help, and/or study topics include:
--General electrical knowledge,

and more--

(Of course we don't list all the secret topics here,
or you might not call for our material!)

What if your test included a question about escalators?!

Our anti-copy 'ghosttest for CA elevator mechanic certification     printing' of dark embedded-word watermarking helps us fight piracy!
Come pick up your package today, or request FREE next-day delivery in Southern California!

cert test elevator mechanic

Now includes a 22-page
'Sexual Harassment In The California Workplace'

Important not just because there are might be license test questions
about sexual harassment
, but also because this can be a source
of lawsuits against you and the company you work for.

Including datasheets of:
--What is Sexual Harassment?
--Examples of Sexual Harassment
--When is the Employer liable for Sexual Harassment?
--Methods to reduce or prevent Sexual Harassment
--What is 'Quid Pro Quo' Sexual Harassment?
--What is 'Hostile Workplace Sexual Harassment'?
--State and Federal government-issued information about sexual harassment
--Sexual harassment training of your company supervisors
---and more!

Our new updated package includes many separately-titled study sections
of California Competent Conveyence Mechanic data.

Every titled section has a cover page that reveals the source material and
also lists the key topic involved, to help focus the study of that section.

Or, some choose the $195 'Package B' instead!
Smaller-- but hundreds of pages of applicable codes to study,
a 40-page conveyance glossary-definition list, and more.
Every titled section has a cover page that reveals
the source material and also lists the key topic involved,
to help focus the study of that section.

All codes are in a larger-print than original
to be easier to read and to add notes.

Call for the contents of this more compact assistance.

california adjuster agency practice test questions  help with California conveyance elevator mechanic certification test

Our copyrighted and detailed

California Conveyance Elevator Mechanic Certification Examination
CCCM Study Material & Business Help
(numbered below for easy discussion if you call us!)

(Another 'secret' for you, from a 25-year state-licensing teacher:
Multiple-choice is a good way to test somebody,
but it is the very very WORST way to study!
Don't worry-- we know the best way.)

1. --Call for details!--


Much of the material is copyrighted: Many 2023 edition pages bear distinctive colored stamps,
dark 'ghost print' embedded-word watermarking, hidden inclusions, and/or serial numbers!

From a 25-year teacher of California state-licensing skills and test help:

WORST possible study methods:
1) Seminars, and 2) studying with multiple-choice questions
(low retention percentage, too many words per actual needed knowledge)

BEST possible study method:
reading Question/Answer, Question/Answer
, Question/Answer,  . . .
(data direct to memory, higher word priority)

Contact us for information about our choices of
California Conveyance Elevator Mechanic Certification
and examination preparation packages.

Ask about other available options,
including overnight delivery
and same-hour delivery!

Got 10 minutes? Call 818-883-6969 for the most
valuable certification phone conversation you will ever have!

Simulated Testing for
CA Conveyance Elevator Mechanic
certification examination testing

fire life safety examination test preparation

Also available is our on-line text that includes simulated practice test questions of
related topics for the California Elevator Mechanic certification examination test,

a simulator to a computer-testing as it advises time limitations to answer.

See for more information about this option.

Don't waste time with study help that doesn't include a PASS guarantee!
Ask anyone who says they can help you with this test:
"How many people have you helped to pass
state licensing test in the past year?"

I have helped more than 4000 people
to pass their state's licensing tests.

Only I have helped more than
300 to pass in the past year-
NOBODY else has helped even 30 in the past year!

Having been actually hired by the state as an SME (Subject Matter Expert) for
the re-write of another state license test gives me insight NOT available elsewhere.
Those 3 days spent in Sacramento with the CA state test-writers SAYS IT ALL.

The State of California sent me a round-trip airplane ticket.
The State of California gave me a hotel room for 3 days.
And the State of California paid me for my 3 days of time.

So, I KNOW how the tests are written and WHY.

(And I have the 'Thank you' letter that followed from the State on my wall!)


CA FLS certification examination

Also available are our smaller FlashCards of vocabulary and
practice test questions of related topics for the
California Conveyance Elevator Mechanic certification examination test.

Pocket-sized as to study anywhere you go,
they include instructions for studying them using the 'Leitner System'
(a proven way of increasing the retention of data from flash cards).

These are NOT generic 'nationwide electrician' flashcards!


Studying on-line, or on a CD, or attending a seminar,
is an ineffective waste of time.

Reading our printed CA Elevator Mechanic Certification
study materials with memory-helping graphics,
over and over, studying around your daily duties,
or sitting in your car, or even while resting in bed,

is FAR more effective then trying to study on-line or on a CD or at a 'seminar'.

Do one final review while parked outside the test center for your test appointment!

Written and compiled by a person who has been hired by the State
for a rewrite of a licensing test, thus learning some 'secrets'
behind the wording of their 'answer choices' and other test-question ideas!

--also: author/compiler has taught state laws and rules at schools since 1991,
and has easily passed multiple state licensing examinations himself!--

Additionally, author has a law degree and 3 years of law school,
allowing him to explain any legal portions to you more simply than others.

Blunt and to the point: there is some worthless 'junk' out there,
promoted as 'helpful for tests'. Buyer beware.
We have assisted many who failed after trying alternate choices.

California Elevator Mechanic certification Avoid the clowns.
Pass the fire life safety license test

Only has our 2023 CCCM
CA Conveyance Elevator Mechanic certification study material choices!

We have helped more than 4000 pass their state's license tests-- more than 300 in the past year.

Nobody else has even helped 30 to pass in the last year!

Our material includes 'trigger questions' (related sample questions
that are not actually connected to any of the multiple repossession agency tests,
planted within as to later prove plagiarism-- catches our competitors every time!)


  1. Written and compiled by a person who has been hired by the State of California
    for the re-write of another State of California test, thus learning some 'secrets'
    behind their 'answer choices' and other test-question ideas!

    --also: author/compiler has taught state topics at schools since 1988,
    and has easily passed multiple state licensing examinations himself!--

    Additionally, author has a law degree and 3 years of law school,
    allowing him to explain the legal portions to you more simply than others.

    Also includes some do you know?question pages,
    to stimulate your elevator mechanic thinking;
    and instead of giving you the answers, we instruct some research for you to do!

    Not to be ignored-- you might be tested on these . . .

    Need a CA Conveyance Elevator Mechanic certification CCCM application?

    California fire life safety application
    If you want to download an application, paste this into your browser:
    (but beware: there are sometimes headaches to application processes;
    call us for assistance before you make the common application mistakes!)

    Yes, you saw us on  Private Patrol Operator on YouTube

    Our anti-copy 'ghostlevator mechanic certification      printing' of dark embedded-word watermarking helps us fight piracy!

    ship it by ups

    These additional options are often available-- ask for details:

    california fire life safety     California fls agency testCA fire-life-safety test     fire life safetylicense test   Pick up your fire life safety package

Ask about other available options, including same-day shipping, same-hour shipping, or overnight delivery!

We can buy and/or trade items for any related material that you have self-developed.

All specifications subject to change with or without prior notice.

We include copies of some public-domain state and/or federal documents
and other items, provided as a courtesy and at no additional cost to you;
many have been improved from their original presentation into better for your use!

Our business consultation packages help from
application through testing and initial business set-up.
Page-counts and shipping-weights are approximate but are very close.
Come pick up a package, or send a simple money order;
we put long holds on orders paid by check.<<< be sure you see this

Call (818) 883-6969
or e-mail to
(Be sure to say it is the CA Elevator Mechanic certification test you are preparing for)

Purchaser is licensed one copy of this material for purchaser's personal use.
Any other redistribution or reproduction is strictly prohibited.
All rights reserved. A purchase of this material is for purchaser's sole use,
and is only to assist that sole purchaser in preparation of taking his/her own certification test.
No portion of this material may be reproduced, copied, sold, resold, shared, sold after purchaser's use, exploited,
stored in an electronic system, used for training of others, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, reworded, modified, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise.
It is solely intended for and sold only to applicants for this professional license.
It is expressly NOT for use, tutoring, duplication, training, adaption, or any other use by
other publishers or writers, teachers or instructors, coaching or preparatory entities,
testing agencies and certification agencies, any group use, or any government agency.
All specifications subject to change without prior notice.

Back to the main page, click here: MAIN PAGE

CA conveyance mechanic testCall 818-883-6969 NOW! consulatation elevator mechanic test
>>> If you have failed the test, we have 'special help' for you. <<<
If you haven't tested yet, can help with that too.


E-mail to
(Be sure to say it is the CA Conveyance Elevator Mechanic certification test you are preparing for)



We include copies of some public-domain state and/or federal documents
and other items, provided as a courtesy and at no additional cost to you;
many have been improved from their original presentation into better for your use!

Special assistance for those who have already failed!

Scheduling an elevator mechanic certification test

qualified competent conveyance elevator mechanic certification exam

Purchaser is licensed one copy of this material for purchaser's personal use.
Any other redistribution or reproduction is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
A purchase of this material is for our purchaser's sole use, and is only to assist that
sole purchaser in his/her own preparation of taking his/her own upcoming FLS certification test.
No portion of this material may be reproduced,
copied, sold, resold, shared, sold after purchaser's use, exploited, stored in an
electronic system, used for training of others, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, reworded, modified, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise.
It is solely intended for and sold only to applicants for this professional license.
It is expressly NOT for use, tutoring, duplication, training, adaption, or any other use by
other publishers or writers, teachers or instructors, coaching or preparatory entities,
testing agencies and certification agencies, any group use, or any government agency.
All specifications subject to change without prior notice.

Our business consultation packages help from
application through testing and basic business set-up.
All specifications subject to change with or without prior notice.
Page-counts and shipping-weights are approximate but are very close.

Come pick up the paper portion of your package, or send a simple money order;
we put long holds on orders paid by check.
<<< don't miss this

818 883-6969  

red starred starred starred starred star


1. Come pick one up, or

2. Send a simple money order, and your package
goes out same-day the money order is received and processed, or

2. Send a check, but we put long holds on
orders paid by check.<<< don't miss this

Call 818-883-6969 for more details!

©   California Elevator Mechanic Cerification Exam
CCCM business consultations and related test study material and sample
California Conveyance Elevator Mechanic Certification related study questions