for the
Colorado Private Investigator
License Examination Test
testing prep courses information and study material
Including new 2020 changes to the Colorado Private Investigator licensing laws!
On June 6, 2014, Colorado Senate Bill 14-133 was signed into law,
repealing the Private Investigators Voluntary Licensure Act (HB 11-1195).
As such, the Private Investigators Voluntary Licensing Program was discontinued effective June 6, 2014.
All voluntary Private Investigator licenses are now expired.
Licensees expired under this issue will receive a pro-rated refund based on the unused portion of their licensure period.
If you are due a refund, you need not do anything; your refund will be automatically sent to you.
SB 14-133 replacedthe voluntary program with the Private Investigators Licensure Act,
which establishes a new mandatory licensure program,
requiring all Colorado private investigators to obtain a license from the division since June 1, 2015.
Additional information, applications and forms for Private Investigator licensure have been available since Spring 2015.
The Office of Private Investigator Licensure (Office) has announced that the application fee for
mandatory private investigator licensure will be $330 for both Level I and Level II private investigators.
The Office began accepting applications in March 2015. LICENCING MAY HAVE CEASED. VERIFY BEFORE ORDERING.
We are thePIgroup!
4000 members nationwide.
We have helped more than 400 persons nationwide to
pass their state's license tests in the past year!
Colorado Private Investigator license test help!

(We have no affiliation with DORA)
818 883-6969
Call us for a few FREE sample questions!
Unlike other states, Colorado has two 'levels' of PI licenses:
Level 1- No experience required.
Level 2- At least 4000 hours of experience/education.
Any degree conferred by a college or university counts for Level 2 experience in the following manner:
i. A two-year degree will satisfy 1,000 hours of the 4,000 hour experience requirement.
ii. A baccalaureate degree will satisfy 2,000 hours of the 4,000 hour experience requirement.
iii. A master’s or juris doctorate degree will satisfy 3,000 hours of the 4,000 hour experience requirement.
Also take a minute to consider

this interesting specialty option
(There is no polygraph license in
Colorado and 24 other states!)
Since June 1, 2015, a private investigator conducting private investigations in the state is required to obtain a license.
Since June 1, 2015, only a licensed private investigator may present himself or herself as or use the title of a
“licensed private investigator,” “private investigator,” “licensed private detective,” or “private detective.”
The Private Investigator Licensure Act (section 12-58.5-105, C.R.S.) provides certain
exemptions for licensure for collection agencies, attorneys, law enforcement, accountants and
others who lawfully conduct investigations within their respective authority and scope.
License test secret #1:
Understand that you must know the data needed to pass
every one of several different many-question tests
as to be able to pass whichever is assigned to you
(so knowing only a handful of questions is a waste of time!)
Call 818-883-6969 for the new
lower price on this popular package!
You can get a head start on your PI license application by completing your background check now.
Colorado Private Investigator (PI) License applications have been available since March 2015.
Prior to issuing a license, the results of your fingerprint background check
from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations (CBI) must be received.
During peak times, it can take several weeks for CBI to provide your results.
Complete your background check now and have the result sent to DORA’s Office of Private Investigator Licensure.
You must submit fingerprints to the Colorado Bureau of Investigations (CBI),
for the purpose of conducting a state and national fingerprint-based criminal history record
check utilizing records of the CBI and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).
The Division of Professions and Occupations (DPO) must receive
the results of both background checks prior to issuance of a new license.
IMPORTANT: Please read the next instructions and begin with the background check process as soon as possible.
Once DPO receives your Fingerprint and Background Check from CBI, that information is good for three months.
There are two methods for fingerprinting-manually or electronically.
Many police departments will utilize the rolled ink transfer of prints onto a card.
The ink method can have the highest rate of failure due to the lower quality of print characteristics.
However, some agencies will electronically transfer fingerprints on the card.
The electronic method is the PREFERRED method and may be processed more rapidly by CBI/FBI.
Complete the following four steps:
1. You first determine where you will have your fingerprints taken.
Unless the fingerprinting is done and submitted by one of the following agencies, the background check will be void.
You may be fingerprinted by one of the following agencies:
Arapahoe Community College
5900 South Santa Fe Drive, 2nd Floor, Room M-2600 Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 797-5835
Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
No appointment necessary. Cash, checks and credit cards accepted.
Fingerprint cards are not needed, electronic method is used for fingerprinting and submittal to CBI.
All applicants must bring a valid driver’s license or passport for identification purposes. OCA #CONCJ10749
Colorado Correctional Industries
4999 Oakland Street Denver, CO 80239 (303) 370-2165 Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
No appointment necessary. $10.00 per card Cash only, no checks or credit cards accepted. Fingerprint cards are provided.
Your local law enforcement agency
You contact the local law enforcement agency you will use and find out if they
(a) use the electronic (preferred) method or manual method for fingerprinting,
(b) if they supply the appropriate Fingerprint Card (Form FD258)
or if you need to obtain the card and Management Branch Office of Licensing 1560 Broadway,
Suite 1350, Denver, CO 80202 P 303.894.7800 F 303.894.7693
(c) for information regarding residency requirements, hours of operation, cost and methods of payment.
2. Whenever the agency does not provide the Fingerprint Card (Form FD258),
you may obtain the card from the Colorado Correctional Industries’ Forms Center by calling
(303) 370-2165 or by completing and mailing in the form on the internet at or in person at the Denver location listed above.
Costs, instructions and directions can also be found online.
Fingerprint Cards are not available through the DPO.
3. You fill out the Fingerprint Card (Form FD258) using only
black ink and following the instructions on the back of the form.
No other forms or cards will be accepted.
Be sure you know and accurately complete all the identification information required.
Complete the spaces on the card as indicated below.
If you obtain a fingerprint card from your local law enforcement agency,
you must complete the ORI information exactly as shown or your card will be rejected.

4. You take the Fingerprint Card (Form FD258) to a local law enforcement agency to be fingerprinted.
Remember to call for the information listed above since not all agencies conduct fingerprinting daily.
Sign the card and ensure the person performing the printing process
signs in all the spaces titled “Signature of Official Taking Fingerprints.”
5. Mail the completed Fingerprint Card and exact fee to:
Colorado Bureau of Investigations (CBI) 690 Kipling Street, Suite 3000 Denver, CO 80215
CBI charges $39.50 to conduct the criminal history check. CBI does not accept personal checks.
Payment can be made (payable to CBI) by money order, cashier check, or company check.
CBI’s phone number is (303) 239-4208
Note that CBI will return the card and payment requiring re-submittal for an additional fee if:
(1) fingerprints are not readable due to low qualify of print characteristics;
(2) payment is not made in the exact amount ($39.50);
(3) the wrong fingerprint card is used. In these cases, you may receive a
rejection notice from
the CBI Identification Unit and should contact them directly at the address on the notice.
Do not call DPO, they do not receive a copy of this rejection notice.
6. CBI will process the background checks and submit them directly to DPO’s Office of Private Investigator Licensure.
QUICK TIP: During the application/testing process, your 'ID #' will be your e-mail address.
Are you ready for these possible Colorado private investigator test question topics?
You must take and pass a jurisprudence examination developed and
approved by the Director
to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the laws and
rules affecting the ethics and activities of private investigators.
--Test study areas might include:
Colorado state law; conflicts, confidentiality, record keeping,
advertising, business standards, compliance with laws, surety bonds,
exemptions from licensing, federal law; legal terminology; amendments;
crimes and criminal statutes; court practices and procedures; Illinois constitution;
Latin legal terms; advertisements; surveillance techniques; bribery; Supreme Court;
constitutional and police powers; firearm regulations and requirements; ballistics; privacy;
licensing & practice requirements; case management; analysis reporting & presentation;
legal authority and limits; investigative practices and procedures; employees;
professional misconduct and penalties; eavesdropping and privacy protections; torts;
license qualifications and training; business practices; recordkeeping and reporting; robbery;
license violations and penalties; gathering information; evaluating crime scenes; personation;
reporting; presentation; using sources of information; firearm training and use; crime scenes;
insurance; hearings; employees; safety; rules and regulations; court testimony; search methods;
evidence collection and protection; interviewing and interrogation; crime elements; legal influences;
surveillance techniques; case management; investigative processes and reasoning;
criminal methods, motives, and trends; conducting special investigations; analysis; burglary;
forensic science and technology; reports; presenting evidence; staged crime scenes; use of informants.
An exciting new Colorado PI license test training option!
Also available is 'Colorado Private Investigator license test study questions: by text'!
As a supplement to our paper training packages,
a series of key Colorado PI topic questions and answers can be sent to your own cell phone.
For those who order our packages by mail, this can 'warm them up' while awaiting delivery!
Not BS 'on-line' study or useless multiple-choice questions:
these are CO PI related questions with guaranteed-correct answers, sent directly to your phone.
If your phone can't take texts, we can do this 'warm-up' to your e-mail instead.

at least 2 persons nationwide
use our help to pass testing!
If you don't agree with something found during your fingerprint background check:
Applicant Notification and Record Challenge.
The Office of Private Investigator Licensure, which makes the determination of suitability for licensure,
will provide the
applicant the opportunity to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information contained in the FBI identification record.
Procedures for obtaining a change, correction, or updating of
a FBI identification record are set forth in Title 28, C.F.R. 16.34.
The office will not deny the registration based on information in the record until the applicant has
been afforded
a reasonable
time to correct or complete the record, or has declined to do so.
Direct all challenges to your record to FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division,
Attention: Correspondence Group, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Clarksburg, WV 26306.
We are not a bunch of silly on-line garbage questions.
We don't lock you to a computer to study, nor do we give you useless multiple-choice questions.
We have a hefty paper package of directed study for the Colorado Private Investigator license test.
Study ours anywhere, whereever you go.
More than 4500 persons nationwide have used our study material to pass their licensing tests!
QUICK TIP: On your Private Investigator Jurisprudence
Examination Results Report,
it does not give an actual Pass Score;
it simply says "Congratulations, you have passed the state of
Colorado Private Investigator Jurisprudence Examination"
and "Result: PASS".
The 17 Exemptions from PI Licensure
Licensure as a Colorado
Private Investigator is not required for the following:
1. A collection agency or consumer reporting agency as defined in C.R.S. § 12-14-103(2) and (4.5), respectively.
2. A person conducting an investigation on the person’s own behalf,
or an employee of any employer conducting an internal investigation on behalf of his or her employer.
3. An attorney licensed to practice law in Colorado, an employee of a licensed attorney,
or a person under contract to perform paralegal services for a licensed attorney;
4. A certified peace officer of a law enforcement agency operating in his or her official capacity;
5. A certified public accountant authorized to provide accounting
services in Colorado pursuant to Title 12, Article 2 of the Colorado Revised Statutes;
6. An employee of a certified public accountant;
7. An employee or affiliate of an accounting firm registered pursuant to C.R.S. §12-2-117;
8. A person who conducts forensic accounting, fraud investigations,
or other related analysis of financial transactions based on information that is either
publicly available or provided by clients or other third parties and who is:
a. An accountant or public accountant who is not regulated in the State of Colorado;
b. A certified fraud examiner; or
c. An employee or independent contractor under the guidance
of an accountant, public accountant, or certified fraud examiner.
9. A person who aggregates public records and charges a fee for accessing the aggregated public records data;
10. A person employed by an insurance company who is conducting
claims adjustment or claims investigation for the purposes of an insurance claim;
11. An investigator employed or contracted by a public or governmental agency;
12. A journalist or genealogist;
13. A person serving process within Colorado, performing his or her duties
in compliance with the Colorado or Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or
in accordance with applicable foreign state court rules or laws pertaining
to service of foreign process within this state, or performing any task associated with
effecting service of process, all of which includes inquiries related to effective
proper service of process and resulting supporting proofs, declarations,
affidavits of service, or declarations or affidavits of due diligence to support
alternative methods of service of process; except that a process server who performs
private investigations outside the efforts to effect service of process is not
exempt from the license requirements and must obtain a license
as a private investigator in order to perform those private investigations;
14. A person attempting to recover a fugitive when that person is a
bail bonding agent or cash-bonding agent qualified to write bail bonds
pursuant to Title 10, Article 23 of the Colorado Revised Statutes,
or is acting pursuant to a contract with or at the request of a qualified bail bonding agent or cash-bonding agent;
15. An owner, employee, or independent contractor of an agency
conducting an investigation to determine the origin and cause of a fire or explosion;
16. An owner, employee, or independent contractor of an agency conducting
an investigation for cause analysis or failure analysis where the investigation is
conducted by an engineer licensed pursuant to Title 12, Article 25 of the Colorado
Revised Statutes acting within his or her area of expertise and within the scope of the practice of engineering;
17. Any other person holding a license issued by the authority of Title 12 of the
Colorado Revised Statutes and practicing within the scope of his or her practice.
License test secret #2:
Most test-takers do the worst on
These are the ones that many test-takers do bad on!

Records - Employees - Legal Requirements
Studying helps prepare you for these-- and much more!
Request next-day delivery for much of Colorado!
Many pages of datasheets with graphics
enhance our 2020 Colorado study material!
Colorado PIs must obtain a $10,000 surety bond.
A. All Level I and Level II Private Investigators may not
engage in private investigation activities
unless the licensee posts and maintains, or is covered by,
a surety bond in the amount of at least ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
B. Each licensee shall maintain this surety bond for the duration of time he or she is licensed
and actively engaged in private investigation activities as a Level I or Level II Private Investigator.
The licensee may change surety bond providers but there shall be no gap in coverage.
C. Any failure to maintain or be covered by a complying surety
bond shall be grounds for discipline under C.R.S. § 12-58.5-109.
You might find on your 45-question Colorado PI jurisprudence test:
Federal & State Law Questions-
1. Crimes and criminal statutes
2. Court practices and procedures
3. Constitutional and police powers
4. Firearm regulations and requirements
5. Professional misconduct and penalties
6. Eavesdropping and privacy protections
Licensing & Practice Requirements Questions-
1. Qualifications and training
2. Business practices
3. Recordkeeping and reporting
4. Violations and penalties
Investigative Practices Questions-
Gathering Information Qs-
1. Evaluating crime scenes
2. Collecting and protecting evidence
3. Interviewing and interrogation
4. Surveillance techniques
Case Management Qs-
5. Investigative processes and reasoning
6. Conducting special investigations
7. Criminal methods, motives and trends
Analysis, Reporting & Presentation Qs-
8. Using sources of information
9. Forensic science and technology
10. Presenting evidence and reports
or NOT!
Testing secret #3
Watch out for these types of answer choices:

Sometimes more than one answer choice
will look the same-- but there will be
a small
difference if you look close!
Studying helps prepare you for these-- and much more!
We are NOT a time-wasting seminar!
We are NOT a useless online prep! 
We are NOT a cheap powerpoint pdf download!
We have real PAPER study material designed from years of success!
Now includes many more
Federal law pages!
Colorado PIs must lawfully be in
the US and be at least 21 years old.
Testing secret #4:
Many test-takers have a tough time
with this type of answer choices:
'Choose the BEST answer'.

You might find questions where more
than one of the answer choices is correct.
But one choice is a little better than the others.
Studying helps prepare you for these-- and much more!

Our copyrighted and detailed
Colorado Private Investigator Study Material & Business Help
'Colorado Private Investigator License 2020 Super Package'
1. --full general Colorado private investigator licensing information--
2. --current copy, Colorado Private Investigator laws--
3. --current copy, Colorado Private Investigator Rules
4. --actual example of
5. --current copy,
--including a copy of the Constitution of the United States (26 pages)
--including a copy of the Constitution of the State of Colorado (31 pages)--
6. ----
7. --copies of applicable code sections,--
8. --sample study questions, with verified correct answers--
9: ***--the 3 vocabulary words that virtually no PI license
applicant could correctly choose the correct definition!--***
10: --training information that you won't already
know if you never attended a detective academy--
11: --a 'secret' phone number to use that verbally tells
you the number of the phone you are calling from
(when you need it, it is invaluable)--

12: --information about joining the 4000-member thePIgroup ( free!--

13: ***--a complete copy from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics of their
'Occupational Outlook Handbook, newest edition,
Private Detectives and Investigators'--***
14: --data presented in a keep-you-awake random &
scrambled order of continual topic changes; many parts even repeated
and/or re-worded as to reinforce several less-known items;
redundancy for certain items!--
15: --free database searches and/or trial periods from several of the main PI database companies--
16: --dozens of info sheets of items to help you start a PI business NOW--
17: --First Aid, basic instructions--
18: ***--a free consultation with a highly-experienced expert
with 30-years private investigation industry experience--***
19: --Learn some simple things that might make the difference between you being
A: a 'successful CO private investigator business'
B: 'just another CO private investigator with a license
in your wallet that is doing nothing for you'--
20:--advanced topics not needed for testing but to implant the
knowledge now that will be needed once your PI business is going!--
21: --free help with your first PI business website or blog!--
22: --copies of the two important government codes
for if you ever do any kind of debt-collection work--
23:--'tricks of the trade' advice, such as
How to get addresses to many unlisted phone numbers instantly and for free!--
24. Known as 'The PI Academy In-A-Box'!
25.--a Frequently Needed Sources for PIs list--
26. --Want to be able to verify the immigration/citizenship status of the
new employees of other businesses for them, through Homeland Security?
Included are the initial
details toward
obtaining this little-known specialty!--
27: Got 10 minutes?
Call 818-883-6969 for the most valuable PI phone conversation you will ever have!
28: --can sometimes be shipped immediately (contact us for those optional details) --
29: --also used to prepare for the nationwide Certified Master Investigator certification testing--
30. --hundreds of questions to test your General Investigative Proficiency --
31. --a copy of the Federal form that requires the Post Office to give
you the Change Of Address information they have on file for your person --
32.--Reminder: the majority of this package is copyrighted material--
33. --What an CO PI must know about the Federal
HIPAA laws or risk getting fined or sent to jail!--
34: -- to-the-point guidelines for proper Report Writing--
35. --examples of forms used in a PI business environment
(Client Intake sheet, Contracts, Non-compete / Non-competition agreement,
Confidentially agreement, Independent Contractor agreement, etc)
Culled from investigators around the country,
so verify if applicable locally to you.
Use for some of their wording, legal terminology and ideas; modify as needed.
36. --the correct employee tax terms, and sample tax forms,
that most new businesses are confused by (9 pages)--
37. --verifying eligibility of your employees to work in the US:
the proper federal form to use, and instructions
for its completion & required retention
(6 pages)--
38.--case/client management software listings
39: --free help with your first PI business webpage!
40.--information on the #1 book to add to your PI library
(and it's less than $20!)
41. --Homeland Security and a PI licensing bureau developed
a wallet-sized reference for helping to spot that a potential client,
or someone you observe while on surveillance, might be a terrorist.
42. --How to quickly get a 'social security number' (an E-I-N) for your business,
so you don't have to give out your personal social security
number to your business & government clients)
43. --A firearms section
--and more!--
(Contact us for information about our detailed
Colorado Private Investigator licensing
and test preparation package.)
Or, some choose the smaller 'Package B' instead!
Call for the contents of this more compact assistance.
Yes, we see it every year or two.
Over and over and over, yet another person who passes the license
test decides to offer 'test prep help' because he/she passed the test.
Some even took their own PI license tests only a year or two ago!
Sadly, even if they remembered every
question that was on their test,
that doesn't cover the many other versions of the test.
Their intentions are good, but that's not enough. So:
Avoid the clowns.
Avoid the phonies. 
Only has our complete
2020 Colorado Private Investigator license test study material,
part of a one-on-one complete new business consultation package!
We have helped more than 4000 pass their state license tests nationwide
-- more than 400 in the past year.
Simulated Testing
for the Colorado
Private Investigator
licensure exam

Also available is our on-line text that includes simulated practice license
for the Colorado Private Investigator PI license examination test,
a simulator to a computer-testing as it advises the time limitations to answer each.
See for more information about this option.
Also available will be our FlashCards of vocabulary and practice license test
for the Colorado Private Investigator PI license examination test.
Pocket-sized as to study anywhere you go,
they include instructions for studying them using the 'Leitner System'
(a proven way of increasing the retention of data from flash cards).
These are NOT generic 'nationwide' PI flashcards!
BONUS: Pass with our material,
we can make you a simple webpage FREE!
(If you don't have a webpage, the public & businesses can't find you to hire you.)
From a 25-year teacher of license test questions and business help:
WORST possible study methods:
1) Seminars, and 2) studying with multiple-choice questions
(low retention percentage, too many words per actual needed knowledge)
BEST possible study method:
reading Question/Answer, Question/Answer, Question/Answer, . . .
(direct to memory, higher word priority)

Got 10 minutes? Call 818-883-6969 for the most
valuable PI phone conversation you will ever have!
Seminars are an ineffective waste of time.
Reading our printed paper study materials
with photos, over and over, studying around your daily duties,
or sitting in your car, or even while resting in bed,
is FAR more effective then trying to study at a 'seminar'.
Do one final review while parked outside
the test center for your test appointment!