Illinois Private Detective license test

We have been helping you with
state licensing tests since 1991!

See a short video a bit below.
We are your consultant!

Only we have our complete
NEW study material package
for the 2025 Illinois
Private Detective license testing!

Illinois Private Detective license test

Call 818-883-6969 for more information.

Illinois Private Detective
License Examination Test
testing prep courses information
and IL private detective test study material

LOOK: (price special mid-page below;
ordering choices down in bottom foot)

Illinois private detective license exam Illinois private detective test study guide practice questions  Illinois private detective license test studt material practice questions

Including any new important changes to the
Illinois Private Detective licensing law!

We are thePIgroup!
4000 members nationwide.

818 883-6969

We have helped more than
300 persons nationwide to
pass their state's license
tests in the past year!

TESTIMONIAL: "I've used your PI test study material
for other states, and now I have for the Illinois test.
Your hefty Illinois package was dead-on!" - CK

Illinois Private Detective license testing details-

--90 minutes allowed to complete test

--you sit in a big room with hundreds of other test-takers

--75 questions on test

--multiple versions of test ('Test D', etc)

--multiple-choice answer choices

--you have only 72 seconds per question to:
A) read and comprehend the entire question;
B) read through each of the answer choices;
and C) decide on the best answer choice.

--70% or more correct is required to pass

-- testing is twice a year, March and September,
in Hillsdale (Chicago):

--results by mail in two to 4 weeks, or can check by Internet

--results tell your score, Pass or Fail, and your
strength/weakness areas of 5 topic areas

Once you pass, you have up to 6 years to apply for your license.


Here's a video about

the Illinois Private Detective license examination!

TESTIMONIAL: "I attended an expensive seminar,
then failed. Then I used your package and passed." - RD

818 883-6969 Illinois private investigator license testing Call us for a few FREE sample questions!
818 883-6969

Our smaller 8-pound
'Package B'
is nearly 650 pages!

Updated for 2025!

License test secret #1:

Understand that you must know the data needed to pass
every one of several different 75-question tests

as to be able to pass whichever is assigned to you
(so knowing only 100 questions is a waste of time!)

Call 818-883-6969 for the newlower price on this popular package!

Are you ready for these
Illinois private detective test question topics?

--Testing areas include: Illinois state law; IDFPR;
federal law;
legal terminology; amendments;
crimes and criminal statutes; court practices
and procedures;
Illinois constitution;
Latin legal terms; advertisements; surveillance techniques;
bribery; Supreme Court;
constitutional and police powers; firearm regulations
and requirements;
ballistics; privacy;
licensing & practice requirements; case management;
analysis reporting & presentation;
legal authority and limits; investigative practices
and procedures;
PERC; employees;
professional misconduct and penalties;
eavedropping and privacy protections; torts;
license qualifications and training; business practices;
recordkeeping and reporting; robbery;
license violations and penalties; gathering information;
evaluating crime scenes; personation;
reporting; presentation; using sources of information;
firearm training and use;
crime scenes;
insurance; hearings; employees; safety; rules and
court testimony; search methods;
evidence collection and protection; interviewing and
crime elements; legal influences;
surveillance techniques; case management;
investigative processes and reasoning;
criminal methods, motives, and trends; conducting
special investigations;
analysis; burglary;
forensic science and technology; reports; presenting
staged crime scenes; use of informants.

Illinois private detective test   practice test study questions for the Illinois private detective license examination

Call 818 883-6969 for more information

We have the recent change
that was required
to a recent Illinois
Supreme Court decision!

new privaye patrol operator trainingAn exciting new Illinois test training option!
training by text for Illinois private detective license examination-by- illinois private detective license test license test questions by text
Also available is 'Illinois Private Detective
license test study questions: by text

As a supplement to our paper training packages,
a series of key IL PD topic questions and
answers can be sent to your own cell phone.

For those who order our packages by mail
only shortly before their scheduled test ,
this can 'warm them up' while awaiting delivery!

Not BS 'on-line' study or
useless multiple-choice questions:
these are IL PD questions with guaranteed-correct
answers, sent directly to your phone.

If your phone can't take texts, we can
do this 'warm-up' to your e-mail instead.

every day

at least 2 persons use our help two people
nationwide to pass testing!

sleep at computer  We are not a bunch of silly on-line 'theory' questions.

We don't lock you to a computer to study,
nor do we give you useless multiple-choice questions.

We have a hefty paper package of PROVEN study
for the current Illinois Private Detective license test.

Study ours anywhere, whereever you go.
More than 4500 persons nationwide have used our
study material to pass their states' tests nationwide!

test secret #2:

Most test-takers do the worst on
These are the ones that
many test-takers do bad on!

Illinois private detective license test

Records - Employees - Legal Requirements

Studying helps prepare you
for these-- and much more!

Time to Study material for the Illinois private detective license test study!

Costs more: request next-day
delivery for much of Illinois!

Many pages of datasheets with graphics graphics for Illinois private detective license test
enhance our 2025 Illinois study material!

You can expect to somewhat find on your test:

Federal & State Law 23 Questions-
1. Crimes and criminal statutes
2. Court practices and procedures
3. Constitutional and police powers
4. Firearm regulations and requirements
5. Professional misconduct and penalties
6. Eavesdropping and privacy protections

Licensing & Practice Requirements 12 Questions-
1. Qualifications and training
2. Business practices
3. Recordkeeping and reporting
4. Violations and penalties

Detective Practices 40 Questions-
Gathering Information 16 Qs-
1. Evaluating crime scenes
2. Collecting and protecting evidence
3. Interviewing and interrogation
4. Surveillance techniques
Case Management 12 Qs-
5. Investigative processes and reasoning
6. Conducting special investigations
7. Criminal methods, motives and trends
Analysis, Reporting & Presentation 12 Qs-
8. Using sources of information
9. Forensic science and technology
10. Presenting evidence and reports

(There is also a different, combined-version 115-question test
that includes all of the items on the 'Private Detective' exam
and on the 'Private Security Contractor' exam;
2 hours is allowed for this bigger testing,
for persons who register for both exams.
It simply adds 40 additional questions,
security-related, to the Private Detective exam.
These security questions involve: planning &
administration, security survey techniques,
emergency planning and response,
personnel administration, work safety and liability,
technology & safety, security video and
surveillance systems, intrusion detection,
access control, physical security requirements,
security operations, loss prevention procedures,
patrol techniques and traffic control, serving special
clients (hotels, retail, banks, hospitals, etc),
criminal methods, motives and trends, crime scene
procedures, terrorism, workplace violence,
and more.

Security Practices 40 Questions-
Planning & Administration 10 Qs-
1. Security survey techniques
2. Emergency planning and response
3. Personnel administration
4. Work safety and liability
Technology & Safety 12 Qs-
5. Security video and surveillance systems
6. Fire protection and safety practices
7. Intrusion detection and access control
8. Physical security requirements
Security Operations 18 Qs-
9. Loss prevention procedures
10. Patrol techniques and traffic control
11. Serving special clients (hotels, retail, banks, hospitals, etc.)
12. Criminal methods, motives and trends
13. Crime scene procedures
14. Terrorism
15. Workplace violence

Our Private Detective Package does not include
the security portion-- but it too is available.)

Click here for a license application for
an Illinois private detective license:

"OMG! There are some questions on
the Illinois Private Detective license test
that you would never ever expect to see--
they have nothing to do with PI work
But your package prepared me for them and I passed!"

Testing secret #3

Watch out for these types of answer choices:


Similar Illinois private detective license test answer choices

Sometimes more than one answer choice
will look the same-- but there will be
a small difference if you look close!

Studying helps prepare you for these--
and much more!

illinois private detective license seminar We are NOT a time-wasting seminar!   
We are NOT a useless online prep!
Illinois private detective license test online
 license powerpoint We are NOT a cheap powerpoint pdf download!
We are NOT a time-wasting multiple-choice prep! Illinois private detective license test multiple-choice study

We have real PAPER study material with years of success!

Call 818 883-6969 for more information /
ordering details
at bottom of this long page.

Now includes many more federal faws
Federal law pages!

Testing secret #4:

Many test-takers have a tough time
with this type of answer choices:
'Choose the BEST answer'.

Best answer

You might find questions where more
than one of the answer choices is correct.
But one choice is a little
better than the others.

Studying helps prepare you for these--
and much more!

licensure test for Illinois private detectivepractice questions for Illinois private detective PI test

Our copyrighted and detailed

Illinois Private Detective Study Material & Business Help
Illinois Private Detective License 2025 Super Package'

1. --full general IL private detective licensing information--

2. --current copy, Illinois Private Detective Act (108 pages)--

3. --current copy, Illinois Private Detective Rules
(applicable sections of the Illinois Administrative Code, 40 pages)--

4. --actual example of an issued examination Pass/Fail report

5. --current copy, Illinois Handbook of Government (113 pages):

--including a copy of the Constitution
of the United States (26 pages)

--including a copy of the Constitution
of the State of Illinois (31 pages)--

6. --Illinois Department of Financial
and Professional Regulation's
2010 formal written statement/decision
regarding Computer Forensics
and that if this particular service requires
private detective licensing--

7. --copies of applicable code sections, Illinois Compiled Statutes--

8. --sample study questions, with verified correct answers--

9: ***--the 3 vocabulary words that virtually no PI license
could correctly choose the correct definition!--*** 

10: --training information that you won't already
know if you never attended a detective academy--

11: --a 'secret' phone number to use that verbally tells
you the number of the phone you are calling from
(when you need it, it is invaluable)--

PI test illinois detective
12: --information about joining the 4000-member thePIgroup ( free!--
questions for ca PI license test

13: ***--a copy from the
US Bureau of Labor Statistics of their
'Occupational Outlook Handbook, newest edition,
Private Detectives and Investigators'--***

14: --
data presented in a keep-you-awake random &
scrambled order of continual topic changes;
many parts even repeated
and/or re-worded as to reinforce
several less-known items;
redundancy for certain items!

15: --free database searches and/or trial periods
from several of the main PI database companies--

16: --dozens of info sheets of items to help you start a PI business NOW--

17: --First Aid, basic instructions--

18: ***--a free consultation with a highly-experienced expert
with 30-years private investigation industry experience--***

19: --Learn some simple things that might make the difference between you being

A: a 'successful IL private detective business'
B: 'just another IL private detective with a license
in your wallet that is doing nothing for you'--

20:--advanced topics not needed
for testing
but to implant the
knowledge now that will be needed
once your PI business is going!--

21: --free help with your first PI business website or blog!--

22: --copies of the two important government codes
for if you ever do any kind of debt-collection work--

23:--'tricks of the trade' advice, such as
How to get addresses to many unlisted
phone numbers instantly and for free!

24. Known as 'The PI Academy In-A-Box'!

25.--a Frequently Needed Sources for PIs list--

26. --Want to be able to verify the
immigration/citizenship status of the
new employees of other businesses for them,
through Homeland Security?
Included are the initial details toward
obtaining this little-known specialty!--

27: Got 10 minutes?
Call 818-883-6969 for the most valuable PI
phone conversation you will ever have!

28: --can sometimes be shipped immediately
t us for those optional details) --

29: --also used to prepare for the nationwide
Certified Master Investigator
certification testing--

30. --hundreds of questions to test your General Investigative Proficiency --

31. --a copy of the Federal form that
requires the Post Office to give
you the Change Of Address information
they have on file for your person --

32.--Reminder: the majority of this
package is copyrighted material--

33. --What an IL PI must know about the Federal
HIPAA laws or risk getting fined or sent to jail!--

34: -- to-the-point guidelines for proper Report Writing--

35. --examples of forms used in a PI business environment
(Client Intake sheet, Contracts, Non-compete /
Non-competition agreement,
Confidentially agreement, Independent
Contractor agreement, etc)


Culled from investigators around the country,
so verify if applicable locally to you.
Use for some of their wording, legal
terminology and ideas; modify as needed.

36. --the correct employee tax terms, and sample tax forms,
that most new businesses are confused by (9 pages)--

37. --verifying eligibility of your employees to work in the US:
the proper federal form to use, and instructions
for its completion & required retention (6 pages)--

38.--case/client management software listings

39: --free help with your first PI business webpage!

40.--information on the #1 book to add to your PI library
(and it's less than $20!)

41. --Homeland Security and a PI licensing bureau developed
a wallet-sized reference for helping to spot that a potential client,
or someone you observe while on surveillance, might be a terrorist.

42. --How to quickly get a 'social security number' (an E-I-N) for your business,
so you don't have to give out your personal social security
number to your business & government clients)

43. --A firearms section

--and more!--

(Contact us for information about our detailed
Illinois Private Detective licensing
and test preparation package.

red starred starred starred starred star
Illinois private detective license test
Some choose the $365
8-pound 'Package B' instead!

Smaller-- but more than 8 pounds,
and more than 600 pages full-size pages!

Call for the contents of
this more compact assistance.

not again Yes, we see it every year or two.

Over and over and over, yet another
person who passes the license
test decides to offer 'test prep help'
because he/she passed the test.

Some even took their own IL
license tests only a year or two ago!

(Hey, is that even allowed? How can someone personally take this IL test
themselves and then a year or so later offer to teach others how to pass it?!
On the testing site website it says
"CTS maintains high security standards throughout our operation. 
We have developed systems to safeguard examination and candidate data. 
Confidentiality and examination integrity are
key elements in the CTS business strategy".
Continental Testing Service 800-359-1313 x104 tells
"It is stated at the beginning
of the exam that test-takers agree to not
share anything later with others.
We are looking into this violation".

Sadly, even if they remembered every
question that was on their test,
that doesn't cover the many
other versions of the test.

Their intentions are good,
but that's not enough.

Your connection for Illinois private detective license test help: Avoid the clowns.
Avoid the phonies. Pass the Illinois Private Detective license test

Only has our complete
2025 IL Private Detective
license test study material,
part of a one-on-one complete new
| business consultation package!

We have helped more than 4500 pass
their states' license tests nationwide
-- more than 300 in the past year.

Our anti-copy 'ghostIllinois private detective license examination      printing' of dark embedded-word watermarking helps us fight piracy!

Simulated Testing

for the Illinois
Private Detective
licensure exam

Illinois private detective license test study material and on-line computor simulator practice questions

Also available is our on-line text that
includes simulated practice license
test questions for the Illinois Private Detective
PI license examination test,
a simulator to a computer-testing as it
advises the time limitations to answer each.


flashcards for illinois private detective license exam test

Also available as a paid supplement
to our packages are our
of vocabulary and practice
license test questions for the Illinois
Private Detective PI license examination test.

Pocket-sized as to study anywhere you go,
they include instructions for studying
them using the 'Leitner System'
(a proven way of increasing the
retention of data from flash cards).

These are NOT generic
'nationwide' PI flashcards!

BONUS: Pass with our material, website help for Illinois private detective license exam
we can make you a simple webpage FREE!

(If you don't have a webpage, the public
& businesses can't find you to hire you.)

From a 35-year teacher of license test questions and business help:

Study material for the Illinois Private Detective license test exam

WORST possible study methods:
1) Seminars, and
2) studying with multiple-choice questions
(low retention percentage,
too many words per actual needed knowledge)

BEST possible study method:
reading Question/Answer,
, Question/Answer,  . . .
(direct to memory, higher word priority)

evidence  new  crime scene private detective 

sections are now included.

Why do so many applicants fail the Illinois
Private Detective license examination exam?

See if you can answer these state-issued practice questions:

(All questions on these examinations are multiple choice with
one correct answer; choose the BEST answer to each question.
These questions are provided for information purposes only; questions much like these
will be on the tests, but none of these questions will be repeated on the examinations.)

1. Which of these is NOT an element of robbery?
A. Threatening the imminent use of force
B. Permanently depriving another of property
C. Using force in the presence of another person
D. Taking property in the presence of another person

2. Which of these is a written order from a court directed to a peace officer, or to
some other person specifically named, commanding that a person be placed under arrest?

A. A writ of habeus corpus
B. A summons
C. A subpoena
D. A warrant

3. The Illinois Constitution guarantees that a person may be imprisoned
for failure to pay a criminal fine only when which of the following occurs?

A. The person has failed to file an appeal.
B. The person has been convicted of fraud.
C. The person has willfully failed to make payment.
D. The person is six months behind in an installment plan for repayment.

4. A firearms training course
A. must be taught by an instructor and in a school with approval
from the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
B. must be taught by a licensed private detective or private security contractor.
C. may be waived if the applicant has any military experience.
D. must be completed by all detective and security personnel.

5. Which of these is the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation authorized
to do when it becomes aware of an individual who is not practicing in accordance with
the act and rules governing private detectives and private security contractors?

A. Suspend a license immediately followed by a hearing within 30 days
B. Petition the circuit court in the county where the individual resides to
impose fines and penalties for each day the licensee continues to practice
C. Issue a warrant for the arrest of the individual for violation of the act and rules
D. Subpoena the individual and all agency employees to appear at a hearing that must be held within 10 business days

6. Who is eligible to be authorized to operate eavesdropping equipment?

A. Only active duty law enforcement officers
B. Any retired or active duty law enforcement officer
C. Any licensed private detective or security contractor
D. A retired law enforcement officer who is certified by the Illinois State Police

7. Which of the following does NOT appear on an agency employee's identification card?

A. The date of issuance
B. The employee's date of licensure
C. The signature of the person's employer
D. A personal description of the employee

8. How many employees must a registered agency have to be licensed and regulated
under the act and rules governing private detectives and private security contractors?

A. One
B. Two
C. Five
D. Ten

9. Which of these accurately describes the consequence of failing to notify the
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation of a change of address?

A. The employee registration cards of all agency employees expire immediately after the change of address.
B. The agency’s license automatically expires 30 days after the change of address.
C. The individual’s license is suspended 90 days after the change of address.
D. Practicing with an expired license may result in disciplinary action.

10. The characteristic appearance of asphyxia victims will be noted in what portion of the body?
A. Internal organs
B. Extremities
C. Face
D. Chest

11. Which of these refers to statements made during the commission of an offense?
A. Dying declarations
B. Res gestae declarations
C. Inadmissible declarations
D. Nolo contendere declarations

12. Which of these is most essential in a fixed surveillance?
A. Constant communication
B. Long-term memory
C. Patience
D. Agility

13. Which of the following exploits the greed of a victim?
A. Pigeon drop swindle
B. Bank examiner swindle
C. Ignorance swindle
D. Internet phishing

14. Which of the following is LEAST important in managing a case involving informants?
A. Keep documented records of when payments are made to the informant.
B. Offer the informant's services to other investigators.
C. Conduct frequent reviews of the informant's activities.
D. Complete a background check on each informant.

15. How does the Ballistic Identification System help improve investigation of cases involving firearms?
A. By speeding up fingerprint comparisons
B. By testing for atomic absorption discharge
C. By consolidating firearm ownership records
D. By cataloging crime scene firearm evidence

16. Which of these is LEAST important in the security assessment for a personnel department?

A. Who has access to personnel files and records?
B. How are computerized personnel records stored?
C. Are payroll records managed by an outside contractor?
D. Can computer files be accessed from remote locations?

17. Which of the following is the best example of applying a tort law?
A. Armed robbery
B. Residential burglary
C. Malicious prosecution
D. Sexual assault

Illinois private detective license test help

Got 10 minutes? Call 818-883-6969 for the most
valuable PI phone conversation you will ever have!

These additional options are often
available at extra cost-- ask for details!

study for the Illinois private detective license test     Illinois private detective teststudy guide for Illinois Private Detective license test       

or, use your own shipping account.


Seminars can be an
ineffective waste of time.

Reading our printed paper
Illinois study materials
with photos, over and over,
studying around your daily duties,
or sitting in your car,
or even while resting in bed,

is usually FAR more effective then
trying to study at a 'seminar'.

Do one final review
while parked outside
the test center for
your test appointment!

pi license Illinois private detectivefirearm questions for PI license testIllinois PI license sexual harassment

Now includes a
'Sexual Harassment In The Workplace'

Important because this can be a source of lawsuits against
licensed Illinois Private Detectives and/or their clients.

Including datasheets of:
--What is Sexual Harassment?
--Examples of Sexual Harassment
--When is the Employer liable for Sexual Harassment?
--Methods to reduce or prevent Sexual Harassment
--What is 'Quid Pro Quo' Sexual Harassment?
--What is 'Hostile Workplace Sexual Harassment'?
--Federal government-issued information about sexual harassment
--Sexual harassment training of your company supervisors
---and more!

new  Interview and inrrogation section  New section!  interrogation  new section

An Interview and Interrogation
section is now included.

We are thePIgroup! 4000 members nationwide.

Yes, you saw us on  Illinois private detective license test on YouTube at:  
(click here to see our OLD videos:)
 Illinois Private Detective license examination study material
and 75 questions

WGP license free consultationCall 818-883-6969 NOW! free consultation wgp license test
If you have failed the test, we have 'special help' for you.
If you haven't tested yet, can help with that too.

new privaye patrol operator trainingAn exciting new Illinois test training option!
training by text for Illinois private detective license examination-by- illinois private detective license test license test questions by text
Also available is 'Illinois Private Detective
license test study questions: by text

As a supplement to our paper training packages,
a series of key IL PD topic questions and
answers can be sent to your own cell phone.

For those who order our packages by mail,
and their test is less than 10 days away,
this can 'warm them up' while awaiting delivery!

Not BS 'on-line' study or useless
multiple-choice questions:
these are IL PD related questions with
guaranteed-correct answers,
sent directly to your phone.

If your phone can't take texts, we can do
this 'warm-up' to your e-mail instead.
Ask for the cost.

every day

at least 2 persons use our helptwo people
nationwide to pass testing!

sleep at computer  We are not a bunch of silly on-line 'pretend' questions.

We don't lock you to a computer to study,
nor do we give you useless multiple-choice questions.

We have a hefty paper package of PROVEN study
for the current Illinois Private Detective license test.

Study ours anywhere, whereever you go.
More than 4500 persons nationwide have used
our study material to pass their tests!

Database Company Site Inspections
PI database site inspectiondatabase company site inspection failed

Did you know that many database companies will not
give you an account until you pass a 'site visit'?
They don't tell you what they are looking for, so you can't 'prepare'.

Many visits fail, and usually neither the inspector nor
the database company will not tell why it failed!
It's hard to pass if you are in an office building--
but it is far harder to pass if your office is at home.

We have the secret list of what they might ask during the site visit--
and what they are secretly looking for!
Ask us to include this secret list, and we will.

last-minute study help for license test    last minute state test study

And you waited 'til today
to look for study material?!

We might have special help for you.

YOUR IP ADDRESS IS 146.248.246

E-mail to



We include copies of some public-domain
state and/or
federal documents
and other items, provided as a courtesy
and at no additional cost to you;
many have been improved from their original
presentation into better for your use!

Illinois private detective license test

Special assistance, including refund secrets,
for those who failed after paying for other 'help'!

Back to the main page, click here: MAIN PAGE

Purchaser is licensed one copy of
this material for purchaser's personal use.

Any other redistribution or reproduction
is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
A purchase of this material is for our
purchaser's sole use, and is only to assist that
sole purchaser in his/her own new PD
business and in the preparation of taking
his/her own upcoming PD licensing test.
No portion of this material may be reproduced,

copied, sold, resold, shared, sold after
purchaser's use, exploited, stored in an
electronic system, used for training of others, or
transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, reworded, modified, mechanical,
photocopy, recording, or otherwise.
It is solely intended for and sold only to
applicants for this professional license.
It is expressly NOT for use, tutoring, duplication,
training, adaption, or any other use by
other publishers or writers, teachers or instructors,
coaching or preparatory entities,
testing agencies and certification agencies,
any group use, or any government agency.
All specifications subject to change without prior notice.

Time to Study material for the Illinois private detective license teststudy!

Our business consultation packages help from
application through testing and basic business set-up.
All specifications subject to change with or without prior notice.
Page-counts and shipping-weights are approximate but are very close.

Come pick up the paper portion of your package,
or send a Zelle or a simple money order;
we put long holds on orders paid by check.
<<< don't miss this

We have helped far more persons pass their state's private detective
license tests than all PI schools and all other sources have combined!

Updated for 2025!

After several requests asking for a reduced price version,
we formed a plan-- but we don't recommend it as the best choice.

If we provided you only all the pages of paper material,
with no binder, no dividers, maybe not even any staples(!),
perhaps we could shave off Illinois private detective license test license test 20% offfor this new bare-bones 'economy' version.

While it would have every page that the other version does,
we don't think it's a great idea. We think, actually we KNOW,
that our proper assembly into a binder with dividers and with
related items stapled together makes it a better study tool.
But because we have been asked, this is the idea.

practice test study Illinois private detective

red starred starred starred starred star
Illinois private detective license test
Some choose the $365
8-pound 'Package B' instead!

Smaller-- but more than 8 pounds,
and more than 600 pages full-size pages!

Call for the contents of this more compact assistance.

Illinois private detective license test

red star
red starred starred starred star


1. Zelle, or
(add shipping)

Send a simple money order,
and your package goes out same-day
the money order is received and processed,
(add shipping)

3. Send a check, but we put long holds on
orders paid by check.
<<< don't miss this
(add shipping)

From 1990 through 2024, we took credit cards,
electronic payments, PayPal, Western Union, etc.
We're tired of the 'bad numbers', the delays, the costs,
the 'bank mistakes', the excuses, 'its my wife's fault', and so on.

We make too little on these big packages for such headaches.
So unless we are to raise our prices, if you can't come in to
pick up a package then there's only one way to send a shipment to you
if you need it faster then by sending payment by regular mail:
Zelle, or you simply overnight us a money order.
It doesn't have to be a costly and
time-consuming one issued by a bank--
a grocery storemoney order or post office
money order or 7-11 money order is fine.

But did you watch
the video way above?!

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